On February 7th, I arrived at RCC as interim president, charged with reinvigorating
and re-energizing the College. The pandemic presented the College and our students
with significant challenges; however, resiliency is the backbone of this institution.
Together with the Board of Trustees, the RCC Foundation Board, and the executive team
we are emerging as a strong, necessary organization, ready to respond to community
Since arriving at RCC along with my two interim executive vice presidents, Dr. Joyce Taylor Gibson and Ms. Marta T. Rosa, we have listened to the internal and external community and prioritized critical projects at RCC. The challenges faced by community colleges were exacerbated by the pandemic; however, at RCC, there is a strong sense of community and commitment to continue to be relevant as the only designated Predominantly Black Community College (PBCC) in New England.
Although RCC has many attributes that set it apart from other institutions of public higher education, in particular, I’m impressed by this College’s shared commitment to student success. All RCC community members take pride in the fact that RCC offers small class sizes to ensure all students receive one-on-one support, supplies all students with laptops, connects students with critical non-academic support through the Project Access office, and supports faculty innovation that improves retention and completion.
Throughout this edition of the Gazette, you’ll learn more about what makes RCC unique and valuable to the community. From our commitment to the green energy sector (pages 4–5) to our excellent 2022 Commencement Ceremony to our plans for the fall semester — RCC continues to show an unparalleled commitment to a quality educational experience for all.
I am truly excited to welcome our community back to campus this fall. I look forward to hosting in-person community forums, transfer fairs, student activities, student engagement events, and more, this fall. The RCC campus is fully open, and our dedicated team of professionals can’t wait to see you back on campus.
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you.
Interim President
Roxbury Community College
Read the RCC Gazette Summer 2022 online